介绍在win10系统上安装Ubuntu子系统及GUI。安装Ubuntu子系统 以管理员身份打开PowerShell 为Linux启用win10子系统 dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart 启用虚拟机功能 dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Virtual...…
Neural translation model
<!DOCTYPE html>Capstone_Project Capstone Project¶Neural translation model¶Instructions¶In this notebook, you will create a neural network that translates from English to German. You will use concepts from ...…
Tracking metrics in custom training loops
<!DOCTYPE html>Tracking_metrics_in_custom_training_loops Tracking metrics in custom training loops¶In this reading you will learn how to track metrics such as accuracy within custom training loops.In [1]: im...…
The build method, allowing flexible inputs for custom layers
<!DOCTYPE html>The_build_method Flexible input shapes for custom layers¶In this reading you will learn how to use the build method to allow custom layers to work with flexible sized inputs.In [1]: import ten...…
Residual network
<!DOCTYPE html>Week_4_Programming_Assignment Programming Assignment¶Residual network¶Instructions¶In this notebook, you will use the model subclassing API together with custom layers to create a residual n...…
Model subclassing and custom training loops
<!DOCTYPE html>Coding_Tutorial In [32]: import tensorflow as tfprint(tf.__version__) 2.0.0Model subclassing and custom training loops¶Coding tutorials¶1. Model subclassing¶2. Custom layers...…
Tokenizing text Data
<!DOCTYPE html>Tokenising_Text_Data Tokenising Text Data¶In this notebook, you will learn how to tokenise text data using tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer.In [1]: import tensorflow as tftf.__version__ ...…
Stateful RNNs
<!DOCTYPE html>Stateful_RNNs Stateful RNNs¶In this reading notebook you will learn how to retain the state of an RNN when processing long sequences.In [1]: import tensorflow as tftf.__version__ Out[1]...…
Sequence Modelling
<!DOCTYPE html>Coding_Tutorial In [ ]: import tensorflow as tfprint(tf.__version__) Sequence modelling¶Coding tutorials¶1. The IMDb dataset¶2. Padding and masking sequence data¶3. The...…
Language model for the Shakespeare dataset
<!DOCTYPE html>Week_3_Programming_Assignment Programming Assignment¶Language model for the Shakespeare dataset¶Instructions¶In this notebook, you will use the text preprocessing tools and RNN models to bui...…
Data generators for time series
<!DOCTYPE html>Keras_TimeseriesGenerator Keras TimeseriesGenerator¶In this reading we'll be looking at the TimeseriesGenerator, which is used for preprocessing and generating batches of temporal data.Examples of seq...…
Tensorflow Datasets
<!DOCTYPE html>TensorFlow_Datasets TensorFlow Datasets¶In this reading notebook, we will take a look at the tensorflow-datasets library.We have previously made use of the tf.keras.datasets package, which gave us acc...…
Data pipeline with Keras and tf.data
<!DOCTYPE html>Week_2_Programming_Assignment Programming Assignment¶Data pipeline with Keras and tf.data¶Instructions¶In this notebook, you will implement a data processing pipeline using tools from both K...…
Data Pipeline
<!DOCTYPE html>Coding_Tutorial In [2]: import tensorflow as tfprint(tf.__version__) 2.0.0Data Pipeline¶Coding tutorials¶1. Keras datasets¶2. Dataset generators¶3. Keras image data augme...…
Creating Datasets from different sources
<!DOCTYPE html>Creating_Datasets_from_different_sources Creating Datasets from different sources¶In this reading notebook, we will explore a few of the ways in which we can load data into a tf.data.Dataset object.In...…
Transfer learning
<!DOCTYPE html>Week_1_Programming_Assignment Programming assignment¶Transfer learning¶Instructions¶In this notebook, you will create a neural network model to classify images of cats and dogs, using transf...…
The Keras functional API
<!DOCTYPE html>Coding_Tutorial In [3]: import tensorflow as tfprint(tf.__version__) 2.0.0The Keras functional API¶Coding tutorials¶1. Multiple inputs and outputs¶2. Tensors and Variables...…
Layer nodes
<!DOCTYPE html>Layer_nodes Layer nodes¶In this reading, we will be looking at the concept of layer nodes when creating a computational graph with shared layers.In [1]: import tensorflow as tfprint(tf.__versi...…
Device placement
<!DOCTYPE html>Device_placement Device placement¶In this reading, we are going to be looking at device placement. We will see how to access the device associated to a given tensor, and compare the use of GPUs and CP...…
Image classifier for the SVHN dataset
<!DOCTYPE html>Capstone Project Capstone Project¶Image classifier for the SVHN dataset¶Instructions¶In this notebook, you will create a neural network that classifies real-world images digits. You will use...…